Author Archives: peggy

Coin boxes, Shoe boxes, and M5M boxes — what do these have in common?

Oct 28 blog 1Oct 28 blog 2

As we approach Hallowe’en I look back to when I was a young lass. How many of you readers remember going out all dressed up, those sweaty masks over your face and some home made costume, a grocery shopping bag or pillow case in your hands, ready to have them filled?  How many remember these little cardboard boxes given to us in school, to collect coins for UNICEF?

This began in Canada in 1955 and continued for 50 years, stopping out of concern for the safety of the children and for other reasons.  During the last 15 years Canadians donated on average of $3 Million. That is a LOT of coins to roll!  With the money raised by the boxes and now with programs in the school, UNICEF is able to put a huge dent in many childhood diseases all over the world.  That is not a trick but a huge treat for these children.

In 1993 Samaritan’s Purse began, on a small scale, a program called Operation Christmas Child.  In 1994 I received information on this program and decided it was something that any one could do, no matter their  race,  age,  religion,  or whatever!  So in 1995 I  had the privilege  of introducing this program to the whole North Eastern Ontario via CBC radio, Timmins Times, and the Timmins Daily Press.  They were all great supporters – and still are to this day.  It is a simple program of looking at a suggested list of items, purchasing them, and putting them in a shoe box.  To date over 100 million shoe boxes have been delivered world wide.  They went to areas that have faced huge disaster, where war is the norm for their lives, where poverty is rampant.  Did these boxes change the children’s living conditions?  No, of course not.  But what they did — and still do — is let the children know that someone, somewhere else, cares enough about them to put this box together.  It gives the children joy and HOPE.

In 1994 a company called Mannatech began business in Dallas, TX.  Over the years they have expanded their business to 26 different countries.  As  a  business  they  work  through  M5M Foundation,   a  US  501(c)3  charity  to  deliver the PhytoBlend  powder. This  is possible  through the  sales of  all their  products. Their  aim is to add nutrition  to the food  for children in orphanages and feeding programs throughout the world to eradicate malnutrition.  Just by adding that PhytoBlend powder to the child’s food the change is astonishing.

So, what do these three things have in common?  Children.  And how these programs are used to help make life better and healthier for them world-wide.  I am so thankful that I’ve been a part of UNICEF as a child (my box was always almost full!) and that I learned how important it was to think of others.  Then through Operation Christmas Child and our business through Mannatech we continue this ministry.  And we are not alone.  Many are helping on this journey and the door is open for others to help us, especially with the year round M5M project.

And you can help, too.

Is there ANY Hope?


IS there hope for the over weight person like me?  This is the journey I’ve been taking all my adult life (well my life so far that is).  I am person who has tried many, many, MANY diets.  I know what it means to try, succeed for a bit, fail in a big way, and try again.  Does this sound familiar?

Along the way, though, I learned lots – and not just about dieting. I learned lots about myself – some of which is good, some understandable, and some not very good. And I learned that when it comes to eating I can have a very strong will – and not for good. OUCH.

But throughout this journey I have never given up hope.  Long gone are fad diet experiments.  Now I will only look for credible, science based systems.  And I discovered one!
TruHealth logoWith 3 out of 4 Americans deemed overweight there is a huge – no pun intended – number of people looking for help getting to a healthy weight. So I am offering you hope, too.  (And I am sure that stats would apply to a lot of other countries, sad to say.)

We’ve been told, for so long, that the BMI (Body Mass Index) is the gold standard for healthy weight.  But let’s look at it:
two obese menTwo men, both 220 pounds, both 5’11”, and both obese! That’s what the numbers say, but not the picture.

scales tossedWith this system the first thing you do is throw out the scales.  Okay, keep them to weigh yourself at the beginning but then wait at least 1 week between weigh-ins.

And measure yourself every week.  It is about the centimeters (inches) lost, not the kilograms/pounds

measuring tapeThe reason for this is fat takes up much more space than muscle. The whole purpose of this system is to lose fat including the adipose fat around the organs – and in the process you may gain some muscle. (A Dexta Scan shows these changes very well.)
fat vs lean 5The whole TruHealth 30-Day Fat Loss System is based on the Body Composition Index (BCI) — your fat, muscle, and bone mass are all taken into consideration.

Take a look at this short video which explains the 30 day Fat Loss System. The TruHealth System is vegan friendly and contain:

  • no dairy
  • no soy
  • no gluten
  • no GMO products
  • no artificial colours
  • no artificial flavours
  • no artificial  sweeteners

Contained in all of the products are plant sourced ingredients only. The added bonus is the 20 grams of plant protein add to the shakes.  And read my blog about the vitamins and minerals we sell – which are included in the shakes along with a lot of other ‘good stuff’. (How’s that for a technical word?!)

Are you even vaguely interested? Does the 180 day satisfaction or your money refunded (even on the empty containers) sound intriguing? Complete the “contact me” form and I will do that – contact you – and I will try to answer any and all your questions.

And me? I began April 18th and weighed myself – don’t ask. I also did measure myself. The first week I lost 6 inches – 2 of them being on my belly.  Am I encouraged? You bet!  I thank God for His love and for the encouragement of my husband (who is doing this with me) and friends.failure - not

If you are tired of dieting and ready to make a life-style change, let’s talk.  We’d love for you to join us in this journey, supporting each other and any other who join our ‘group’.

Oh, and I am NOT a failure


God didn't

Are You Over or Under Qualified to Join our Team?

hiring 3

Network Marketing is a profession.  It is not a get rich quick scheme.  It is net WORK marketing, not net PLAY marketing.  But it is not something you do on your own — we are here to help you get on your feet and fly right.   If you are considering working with us in this business read on.

Qualities we look for in a prospective Associate*

Ask yourself: Are you “H-H-H”?Hiring 2

Are you Honourable?

✓    Do you keep your word?
✓    Do you do what you say you will do?
✓    Do you edify others?
✓    Do you speak positively about your team members and mentors and the Company?

Are you Hone-able?

✓    Are you teachable?
✓    Are you willing to submit to learning from mentors who have already had success in this business?
✓    Are you willing to submit to the system?

Are you Hungry?

✓    Are you hungry for more of something in your life?
✓    Are you clear on Why** you are wish to do Network Marketing as a business?

Everyone has a reason Why they would make the decision to step out of the normal “status quo” routine and do something different. One of your keys to success is knowing Why you decided to join our Team MannaGOLD.

What do you want more of in your life?

☻    More income?
☻    More time to do the other things that are important to you? (visiting the grandchildren, watching all your own children games, being home when they come home from school, give time to help with a charity, etc., etc., etc.)
☻    More self fulfilment?Hiring

Your Why should emotionally compel you to action.

Answer the following questions and then contact us:

★    What do I want more in my life?
★    What do I want to create with my Mannatech business?
★    Imagine in the next five years you have created your Why with your Mannatech business, write down what your lifestyle will look like at that time.

Here’s to you and your financial stability – which helps save children at the same time!

Peggy & Ted

*with thanks to Wendy Kramer for this outline
**a great book on this topic is  Start with Why  by Mike Sinek


Kosher Smosher – is it that Important?


Often we see products with a symbol on it stating that it is ‘Kosher’.  I am sure many of you scratch your head and say “Huh? Is it that important?”

Well, yes and no.  If you are of  a race or religion that will eat only certain foods then it is very important.  If you are one who wants to eat in a healthy way or take healthy supplements then the Kosher symbol gives you confidence in that product.

I’ll quote from a release from Mannatech:

“Mannatech is committed to ensuring that we deliver the safest and highest quality products possible for our Associates and Members. We also recognize the importance and value of kosher certification on our products. We are happy to announce that our products have been recertified with a reputable kosher certification agency, EarthKosher. They specialize in natural, organic and specialty products and provide supervision and follow-up inspections to ensure a comprehensive process. EarthKosher offers thorough services with their 7-step certification process.

“The kosher symbol has become synonymous with accountability, quality and food safety. Being certified kosher means that we comply with a strict policy of kosher food laws, including cleanliness, purity and quality.”

Powerful statements. While we pay to have them check our products this is not buying them off.  It is to cover their costs in doing the 7 steps as mentioned above.  Quality and accountability – those are 2 cornerstones of Mannatech and its products.


Does MONEY make the world go round?

money aThe subject of money came up the other week.  It was in context of some people earning a lot of money and so that somehow network marketing must be wrong because it is all about how much money you can earn.

Is it?  Is it really all about the money?  Money – and the promise of riches – raises a red flag in many minds.  After all  isn’t  the  old  saying  “money  is  the  root  of  all  evil”  something not to be ignored?

But then again, isn’t it our right to be rich?  After all some teach from ancient writings that say that when God promised blessings He really meant that God wants you to be rich and healthy.  Anything else meant you lacked faith.

This ‘get rich’ message goes further: it insists that you should pursue richness using honourable statements like “Think of all the good you can do”.

Many Network Marketing companies (legitimate ones and the fly-by-nighters) push the ‘you can be rich’ mentality to the limit which does attract folk. And if you don’t earn money you feel gypped.

Well the truths are as follows:

The quote about evil really goes like this: “The love of money is the root of all evil”.  I do not have to expand on this – we just need to look around the world and see the mayhem this twisted love affair with money has caused.

And about the ‘blessings’…  The ancient writings say  ‘seek first the kingdom of God and all these things (peace, joy, goodness, kindness, love, long suffering, gentleness) will be given to us.

This bad teaching is no different that the ones who preach and advocate poverty as superior. They teach that money is filthy and you should be giving it all away.

I just shake my head at these distortions.

Because of this “Get rich [quick]” mentality and all the negative ramification surrounding this teaching,  many  people  shy  away  from  admitting  that  they  are  earning  a  decent income doing direct sales.  That is too bad because an extra $500 or $1000 per month could make a difference between living a comfortable life and poverty for so many people.

We were pleased that when we joined Mannatech there never was a ‘you’ll get rich’ mentality nor is it there even now.  Yes we could earn a greater income as our business grows but we know the second syllable of Network marketing  is WORK.

Our working to provide free nutrition for these children does give one a great feeling.  The money is a nice bonus – and great that doing good and being paid to do gpyramidood can be combined! A real win-win-win Social Entrepreneur business!

AND Mannatech is not ‘all about me’.  If it was we would not have M5M.  Mannatech doesn’t just say they care about social needs, they are the leaders in the MLM industry where the social need is the WHY they are in business.  They put their money where their mouth is.

Mannatech is much more than an income possibility business.  We have sound (published) science behind our products, we have exclusive products; we have a company of integrity, and we have a compensation/pay out plan that is very fair.  We are over 20 years in the business and one does not exist that long on hype, that’s for sure.

~ Peggy from Porcupine, pondering pennies — & Ted too!

Coffee, Dehydration, and You

I  am  posting  this  which I  received from  Dr. AW Martin, Martin Clinic.  My problem with this article is two fold:  1. I don’t drink coffee and  2. it says nothing about tea.  Sigh

Does  coffee  cause  dehydration?  This is  a  question that  gets  asked  a  lot. There is plenty of research  that shows  that coffee  has  tremendous health  effects. For  example, here  are a few interesting benefits of coffee according to research:

Coffee and Dehydration

Coffee can:

  •  Reduce the risk of death. According to a large study, drinking three cups or more of coffee a day can lower the risk of death. Of course the study is not talking about “double double” coffees for all of our Canadian friends.
  • Lower the risk of prostate cancer and endometrial cancer.
  • Decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Improve your skin
  • Improve muscle health
  • Decrease the risk of dementia.
  • A recent study suggests that coffee may be the best pre-workout drink due to the fact that it increases fat burning potential.

As you can see, coffee has some very exciting health benefits. Coffee is good for you. However, does coffee lead to dehydration? If you ask someone that question, they will usually answer “yes” very quickly. The reason why we all think that coffee dehydrates is due to a study done in 1928. In that study, coffee was shown to have an increased diuretic effect. Since the study in 1928, 2 studies have been done to try and answer the question and both had mixed results.

Now a new study has shown that coffee hydrates as well as water. The purpose of the study was “…aimed to establish if regular coffee consumption, under normal living conditions, is detrimental to the drinker’s hydration status,”. The results of the study showed that consuming a moderate intake of coffee (4 cups) caused no significant difference across a wide range of hydration indicators when compared to equal
amounts of water.

Bottom  line  is  coffee  doesn’t  seem to  lead  to any dehydration. This does not mean  that coffee can replace water. Water does more than simply hydrate our bodies. Research has shown the  phenomenal benefits  of water consumption. Now  it seems that  drinking  a lot  of water and coffee will help you live a healthier and longer life.

Our Flagship product – in English, not scientific techno babble!

In the early 1990’s Mannatech had access to a carbohydrate product called Mannose (from the Aloe Vera plant).

Further research found that this carbohydrate was one of 8 necessary for our health, and one of the 6 generally missing from our diet.

At first Mannatech was laughed at for even suggesting that the field of glycoscience was important.

But this all changed in 2012 when the National Academy of Science stated in a 209 page report, that not only are these carbohydrates necessary, this topic – glycobiology – is now being taught in Universities in North America.  And they expect it to be a new science subject into the High Schools within 10 years.

Mannatech has been validated.

Dr. Nugent gives a succinct explanation on our product – Ambrotose – in this 8 minute video:

This fantastic product – and we own it – is what makes our Uth (skin care cream) unique and so exciting.  It is what scientists/companies are working hard to synthesize for the wellness/drug industry.  And we own the only plant sourced product on the market.

And what makes it the most exciting is that the sale of this product provides nutrition for the children – our M5M business.

I encourage you to take a serious look at this product.  It is nutrients that your body needs and is not in most of our food anymore.

Thank you for your time here today.

~ Peggy from Porcupine